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MTL5500 range

The MTL5500 range modules are versatile yet simple to apply; use the latest technology and yet are well proven.

These contrasting attributes stem from the progression of our expertise in the design and manufacture of isolators for intrinsic safety and the application of innovative technology to achieve the required separation and segregation of the circuits.

The MTL5500 (DIN-rail mounting) and MTL4500 (backplane mounting) isolators share a common design, differing only in the mechanical mounting and connection methods.

  • Compact modular design with DIN rail mounting
  • High packing density
  • Single and multi-channel I/O modules
  • 3-port isolation with low power dissipation
  • Compatible with MTL5000

The MTL5051 and MTL5314 from the terminated MTL5000 range have been retained until further notice. Supporting information can now be found in the table below. Click the following link for the:

For Product Certificates click here
For more information about MTL Functional Safety Management click here
For UL approved MTL5500 range availability click here

Product Code Description Downloads
intrinsically safe logo Symbol denotes that the equipment is suitable for use in hazardous area applications.
fsm logo Symbol denotes that the product has been assessed for functional safety applications
SM45-55-AI    FSM Safety Manual – Analogue Input Modules Safety Manual
SM45-55-AI-A    FSM Safety Manual- Analogue Input Modules- A variants Safety Manual
SM45-55-AO    FSM Safety Manual – Analogue Output Modules Safety Manual
SM45-55-BI    FSM Safety Manual – Binary Input Modules Safety Manual
SM45-55-SAD    FSM Safety Manual – Solenoid / Alarm Driver Modules Safety Manual
SM4561_5561    FSM Safety Manual – Fire Detector Interfaces Safety Manual
SM45_5501-SR    FSM Safety Manual – Safety proximity detectors Safety Manual
SM5314    FSM Safety Manual – Trip amplifier Safety Manual
SMx 531-82    FSM Safety Manual – Machine Monitor Interfaces Safety Manual
1. Intro
INA5500 MTL5500 range Instructions for Safe Use Manual
INM5500 MTL5500 range Instruction Manual Manual
MTL4500-5500-ACC Enclosures & Accessories Datasheet
MTL4500-5500-CS Common Specifications Datasheet
MTL4500-5500-DS MTL4500-5500 Series Data Set Datasheet
2. Digital Input
MTL5501-SR     1ch DI failsafe solid-state output + LFD alarm Datasheet
MTL5510  4ch DI solid-state ouput Datasheet
MTL5510B  4ch DI multifunction solid-state output Datasheet
MTL5511     1ch DI relay output Datasheet
MTL5513  2ch DI solid-state output Datasheet
MTL5514     1ch DI relay output + LFD alarm Datasheet
MTL5514-T  1-channel, line fault detection, phase reversal Datasheet
MTL5514D     1ch switch/prox input, dual output relay Datasheet
MTL5516C     2ch DI with changeover relay output Datasheet
MTL5517     2ch DI relay output + LFD alarm Datasheet
3. Digital Output
MTL5521     Loop powered solenoid driver, IIC Datasheet
MTL5521-T  Loop powered solenoid driver, IIC Datasheet
MTL5522     Loop powered solenoid driver, IIB Datasheet
MTL5523     Solenoid driver with LFD Datasheet
MTL5523V – VL     Solenoid/Alarm driver with voltage control Datasheet
MTL5524     Switch operated solenoid driver Datasheet
MTL5525     Loop powered solenoid driver low power Datasheet
MTL5526  2ch switch operated relay Datasheet
4. Analogue Input
MTL5541     1ch 2/3 wire Transmitter repeater Datasheet
MTL5541A     1ch Transmitter repeater, passive input Datasheet
MTL5541AS     1ch Transmitter repeater, passive input, current sink Datasheet
MTL5541S     1ch 2/3 wire Transmitter repeater, current sink Datasheet
MTL5541S-T  4/20mA, HART®, 2- or 3-wire transmitters Datasheet
MTL5544     2ch 2/3 wire Transmitter repeater Datasheet
MTL5544A  2ch Transmitter repeater, passive input Datasheet
MTL5544AS  2ch Transmitter repeater, passive input, current sink Datasheet
MTL5544D     1ch 2/3 wire Transmitter repeater, dual output Datasheet
MTL5544S     2ch 2/3 wire Transmitter repeater, current sink Datasheet
5. Analogue Output
MTL5546     1ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + LFD Datasheet
MTL5546Y     1ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + oc LFD Datasheet
MTL5546Y-T  4–20mA HART® valve positioners with line fault detection Datas


MTL5549     2ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + LFD Datasheet
MTL5549Y     2ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + oc LFD Datasheet
6. Temperature Input
MTL5573  1ch Temperature converter, RTD / THC Datasheet
MTL5575  1ch Temperature converter, RTD / THC with alarm Datasheet
MTL5576-RTD  2ch Temperature converter, RTD Datasheet
MTL5576-THC  2ch Temperature converter, THC Datasheet
MTL5581  1ch mV/THC isolator for low-level signals Datasheet
MTL5582  1ch resistance isolator Datasheet
MTL5582B     1ch resistance isolator to repeat RTD signals Datasheet
7. Pulse and Vibration
MTL5531     1ch vibration probe interface Datasheet
MTL5532  1ch pulse isolator, digital or analogue output Datasheet
8. Fire and Smoke
MTL5561     2ch loop-powered, for fire and smoke detectors Datasheet
9. General
MPA5500 85 – 265V ac power adaptor Datasheet
MTL5051  Serial-data comms isolator Datasheet
MTL5314  Trip Amplifier Datasheet
MTL5553  Isolator / Power Supply Datasheet
MTL5599 Dummy isolator Datasheet
PSG60E24RM 24V dc power supply (replaces MTL5991) Datasheet